Here is the VBA code for the macro: Sub AddConnectionAllTables () 'Creates Connection Only Queries to all tables in the active workbook. It does not create duplicate queries for tables with existing connections. Do check this video so you can access it: Office Insider for Mac – Setting up Beta Channel or Current Channel. Dynamic tables in excel are the tables where when a new value is inserted to it, the table adjust its size by itself, to create a dynamic table in excel we have two different methods the once is which is creating a table of the data from the table section while another is by using the offset function, in dynamic tables the reports and pivot tables also changes as the data in the dynamic table. The macro will only create connections if a query for the table does NOT already exist.

At the moment this feature is a beta update. You would need to have Microsoft Excel installed and Consumer subscription licenses.

In this article, Micheal Olafusi gives us a sneak-peek into Power Query in Excel for Mac. Is there anything you have seen someone do in Excel and have always wondered how? How about Power Query in Excel For Mac